
 11/12/20 At the group meeting, we discussed admitting Sylvia, from the #1 spot on the waiting list, and Amy somebody or other.  Susan, Tony and Kenn were in favor of Amy so that was fine with Neville and Denis.  Sylvia's admission is a done deal already but we are not sure if she is going to start with the group or not; she didn't attend tonight but that might have been due to Zoom troubles. It's okay to revisit the number of members and the closed/open status of the group. No final decisions tonight, but it looks like we are leaning toward opening up and going to 8 members. Your friendly neightborhood scribe, Neville Carson

5/28/20 Administrative Meeting Notes

5/28/20 Attendees: Meredith Walters, Tony Miller, Susan Crawford, Neville Carson, Denis Hearn, Kenn Allen The group discussed: - Whether the group should be open or closed - Optimal size - Procedures for admitting new members - Admission of Sylvia Rivers-Wortham Questions were decided by majority vote. Decisions: - The group will remain closed. Decision to be revisited in three months on 8/28/20 (or thereabouts). - The maximum number of members is six. Decision to be revisited in three months on 8/28/20 (or thereabouts). - Procedures for admitting new members: Group must be below the maximum number of members. 1. Prospective member visits the group and submits a writing sample.  2. Current members evaluate the sample and decide whether to move forward with the prospect; decision is by majority vote. 3. If the group decides to move forward, the prospect is invited to attend another meeting and submit critiques for that meeting's submissions. Proceed to step